Below are the current course modules offered by CREMES International. Each module is comprehensive, covering everything from the basics to advanced techniques. Our courses are open to individuals looking to enhance their research skills and organizations wanting to strengthen their research departments.
Module 1: Crafting High-Quality Qualitative Studies
- Formulating a purpose statement & study rationale
- Formulating study objectives
- Formulating research questions
- Selecting study participants & data collection methods
- Formulating interview questions / interview guides
- Master interview guide approach
- Sample size for qualitative studies
- Best practices when developing interview guides.
Module 2: Interview Techniques
- General tips for conducting high-quality qualitative interviews.
- Tips for conducting individual interviews (IDIs/KIIs)
- Tips for moderating focus group discussions (FGDs).
- Tips for conducting participants Observations.
- Qualitative data management in the field
- Procedures for tools pretesting.
Module 3: Transcription and Translation of Qualitative Data
- The key facts about the transcription process
- Types of transcription & how to decide which one to use.
- The transcription process, including the key stages of transcription.
- Key tips in conducting translations.
- Commonly committed errors in transcription and translation of research materials.
Module 4: Coding and Analysis of Qualitative Data Materials
- Defining “Coding”
- Examining how codes are developed.
- Developing a Codebook
- The Process of Coding
- Coding Qualitative Data Using Atlas ti
- Analysis of Coded Qualitative Data Materials
Module 5: Report Writing for Qualitative Studies
- An overview of 5 phases of qualitative studies
- Introduction to Qualitative Report Writing
- Industry Best Practices for Writing Qualitative Reports
- The Beginning with the End in Mind Approach
- Use of an Excel in Organizing Qualitative Findings
- Different Styles of Reporting Qualitative Findings: Descriptive, Analytical and Inverted Pyramid Style
Module 1: Fundamentals of Quantitative Research Design:
- Understanding the Basics of Quantitative Methods
- Crafting Research Hypotheses and Objectives
- Selecting Appropriate Quantitative Study Designs
- Understanding Variables and Their Operationalization
Module 2: Quantitative Data Collection Techniques:
- Overview of Quantitative Data Collection Methods
- Designing and Administering Surveys
- Sampling Strategies and Techniques
- Ensuring Reliability and Validity in Data Collection
Module 3: Statistical Analysis in Quantitative Research:
- Introduction to Statistical Analysis Concepts
- Utilizing Statistical Software for Data Analysis (e.g., SPSS, Stata)
- Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
- Interpreting and Reporting Statistical Results
Module 4: Advanced Quantitative Techniques:
- Exploring Advanced Statistical Methods (e.g., Regression Analysis, Factor Analysis)
- Longitudinal and Time Series Analysis
- Working with Large Datasets
- Handling Missing Data and Complex Sampling
Module 5: Report Writing and Data Presentation in Quantitative Research:
- Structuring a Quantitative Research Report
- Effective Presentation of Quantitative Data (Tables, Graphs, Charts)
- Discussing and Interpreting Quantitative Findings
- Best Practices for Writing and Communicating Quantitative Research Results
Module 1: Introduction to Mixed Methods Research
- Understanding the foundations and principles.
- The role of mixed methods in research.
Module 2: Designing Mixed Methods Studies:
- Selecting research questions suitable for mixed methods.
- Developing a comprehensive mixed methods research design.
Module 3: Data Collection in Mixed Methods
- Collecting qualitative data: Interviews, focus groups, observations.
- Collecting quantitative data: Surveys, experiments, tests.
Module 4: Data Integration:
- Strategies for integrating qualitative and quantitative data.
- Managing and analysing mixed methods datasets.
Module 5: Writing and Reporting Mixed Methods Research:
- Structure and content of mixed methods research reports.
- Presenting findings effectively.